People Ignore Design That Ignores People

People Ignore Design That Ignores People

' Module    : modFPAdsenseMaker
' DateTime  : 06.01.2008 16:12
' Author    : Burkhard Schlutt
' Purpose   : Hauptteil des Adsensemaker
Option Explicit
Public JsVorspann1a As String, JsVorspann1b As String, JsVorspann2 As String, JsNachspann1 As String, JsNachspann2 As String
Public JsCode As String
Public GoClient As String, GoWidth As String, GoHeight As String, GoFormat As String, GoType As String, GoChannel As String
Public GoBorder As String, GoBg As String, GoLink As String, GoText As String, GoUrl As String
Public DivB1 As String, DivB2 As String, DivB3 As String, DivB4 As String, DivB5 As String, DivB6 As String, DivE As String
Public ImgElementAktiv As Integer
' Procedure : Start_AdsenseMaker
' DateTime  : 06.01.2008 16:14
' Author    : Burkhard Schlutt
' Purpose   : Variablen initialisieren und Formular ausrufen
Sub Start_AdsenseMaker()
  DivB1 = "<div style=" & Chr(34) & "position:absolute; width:"
  DivB2 = "; height:"
  DivB3 = "; z-index:1"
  DivB4 = "; left:"
  DivB5 = "; top:"
  DivB6 = Chr(34) & ">"
  DivE = "</div>"
  JsVorspann1a = "<script type=" & Chr(34) & "text/javascript" & Chr(34) & ">"
  JsVorspann1b = "<script type=" & Chr(34) & "text/javascript" & Chr(34)
  JsVorspann2 = "<!--"
  JsNachspann1 = "//-->"
  JsNachspann2 = "</script>"
  JsCode = "src=" & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34) & ">"
  GoClient = "google_ad_client = " & Chr(34) & "pub-1640786225448363" & Chr(34) & ";"
  GoWidth = "google_ad_width = "
  GoHeight = "google_ad_height = "
  GoFormat = "google_ad_format = "
  GoType = "google_ad_type = "
  GoChannel = "google_ad_channel = "
  GoBorder = "google_color_border = "
  GoBg = "google_color_bg = "
  GoLink = "google_color_link = "
  GoText = "google_color_text = "
  GoUrl = "google_color_url = "
  frmAdsensemaker.Show vbModeless
End Sub

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